Como Brocade Certified Fabric Professional Ethernet deve ser capaz de demonstrar conhecimento em IP, SAN e conceitos FCoE, bem como ser capaz de implementar, instalar, configurar e solucionar problemas de soluções Ethernet Brocade.
Quem quiser fazer este exame a custo zero deverá usar o Promo Code CEF250EthFabric e registar-se no site Este consiste exame tem duração 90 minutos e 55 questões no total, e necessário no mínimo 60% para passar.
Boa sorte :)
Tópicos para o exame:
Theory and Concepts
- Describe the VCS implementations of TRILL
- Describe the rate-limiting features in a VCS fabric
- Identify basic routing concepts and how they interact with an Ethernet fabric
- Identify VDX hardware components support.
- Describe the benefits of using TRILL
- Describe QoS in a VCS fabric
- Demonstrate knowledge of various types of link aggregation in a VCS fabric
- Describe VDX hardware used in the design of a VCS fabric
- Describe AMPP concepts
Implementation and Configuration
- Demonstrate knowledge of sharing native FC storage with FCoE devices in a VCS fabric
- Describe the implementation of lossless Ethernet for FCoE and iSCSI traffic
- Describe how to integrate AMPP into a vCenter environment
- Demonstrate knowledge how to implement Layer2/Layer3 ACLs in a VCS fabric
- Demonstrate knowledge how to configure VRRP/VRRP-E on a VDX
- Demonstrate knowledge how to configure a VCS fabric to connect to traditional Layer 2/Layer 3 switches
- Demonstrate knowledge how to implement vLAGs
- Demonstrate knowledge of VDX management features
- Demonstrate advanced troubleshooting knowledge
- Demonstrate knowledge how to troubleshoot native FCoE and VCS to FC SAN bridging
- Demonstrate knowledge how to troubleshoot VCS to an IP network
Materiais de Estudo:
Fabrics 101: Essentials of Ethernet Fabrics
Ethernet Fabrics 101 (Video presentation)
What is an Ethernet Fabric? (White Paper)
BCEFP Practice Questions & Answers Explained
Não existem mas são sugeridos os seguintes cursos:
CEF 300-ILT Brocade Ethernet Fabric Administration
CFA 200 Brocade Certified Fabric Administrator (BCFA) 16 Gbps Training
CFP 300 Brocade Certified Fabric Professional (BCFP) 16 Gbps Training
CNE 200 Brocade Certified Network Engineer
Brocade Certified Ethernet Fabric Professional 2013 (BCEFP) Exam