Cisco CCNA Cyber Ops completed!

2 months in a rush was what i needed to finish my CCNA Cyber Ops, it’s composed by 2 exams:

  •  210-250 SECFND
  • 210-255 SECOPS

The e-learning was part of the Cisco scholarship, so i had all materials required to learn what was required for each exam. The SECOPS exam it was a bit more difficult due his nature of different language.


210-250 SECFND

This exam understand common security concepts, and start to learn the basic security techniques used in a Security Operations Center (SOC) to find threats on a network using a variety of popular security tools within a “real-life” network infrastructure.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe, compare and identify various network concepts
  • Fundamentals of TCP/IP
  • Describe and compare fundamental security concepts
  • Describe network applications and the security challenges
  • Understand basic cryptography principles
  • Understand endpoint attacks, including interpreting log data to identify events in Windows and Linux
  • Develop knowledge in security monitoring, including identifying sources and types of data and events
  • 210-250 SECFND


 210-255 SECOPS

This exam focuses on the introductory-level skills needed for a SOC Analyst at the associate level. Specifically, understanding basic threat analysis, event correlation, identifying malicious activity, and how to use a playbook for incident response.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to:

  • Define a SOC and the various job roles in a SOC
  • Understand SOC infrastructure tools and systems
  • Learn basic incident analysis for a threat-centric SOC
  • Explore resources available to assist with an investigation
  • Explain basic event correlation and normalization
  • Describe common attack vectors
  • Learn how to identify malicious activity
  • Understand the concept of a playbook
  • Describe and explain an incident respond handbook
  • Define types of SOC metrics
  • Understand SOC workflow Management system and automation

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