Google BBR Algorithm

Google’s BBR algorithm for handling TCP traffic congestion could announce a new Era on the trasnport Control Protocol (TCP). Google announced integration with Google Cloud, a cloud hosting platform offered by Google to thousands of companies and which serves millions of websites on a daily basis. BBR stands for “Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT (Round-Trip Time),” … Read more

Juniper vMX Update about QoS, Application Packages and Bandwidth Licenses

This was presented on Q115 Education and Certification webcast from Juniper, bringing it to my Lab for 90 days with all features is awesome!    References: Juniper vMX Juniper Networks Redefines Networking Industry With First Carrier-Grade Virtual Router Juniper Networks doubles down on virtualization Q115 Education and Certification webcast

Cisco Order of Operations

Existem 2 tabelas importantes que indicam a ordem das operações no IOS são a do NAT e QoS. Operações no NAT: Inside-to-Outside Outside-to-Inside If IPSec then check input access list decryption – for CET (Cisco Encryption Technology) or IPSec check input access list check input rate limits input accounting redirect to web cache policy routing … Read more

Alterar Maps DSCP-CoS e CoS-DSCP

Os routers/switches by default tem pré-configurado o mapeamento entre CoS e DCSP. No entanto e possível alterar o mapeamento segundo os nossos requisitos. Rack1SW1#sh mls qos map Dscp-cos map: dscp:   0  8 10 16 18 24 26 32 34 40 46 48 56 ———————————————– cos:   0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  … Read more

Junos Fundamentals Day One

A Juniper disponibiliza uma série de Books sobre Junos, apelidou-os de Day One. Pretende dar conhecer as potencialidades do Junos OS aos novos utilizadores ganhando assim conhecimento suficiente para configurar e gerir este tipo de equipamentos. Esta série Junos Fundamentals inclui: Hardening Junos Devices   Juniper Networks takes the security of its products very seriously … Read more

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