Juniper vMX Update about QoS, Application Packages and Bandwidth Licenses

This was presented on Q115 Education and Certification webcast from Juniper, bringing it to my Lab for 90 days with all features is awesome!    References: Juniper vMX Juniper Networks Redefines Networking Industry With First Carrier-Grade Virtual Router Juniper Networks doubles down on virtualization Q115 Education and Certification webcast

Finally vMX on x86 from Juniper for the masses

We were waiting for this for a long time, and Juniper gave us a big surprise. After so many years developing and improving the MX box finally was born the vMX. This will be a amazing for Service Providers where sometimes to deploy a new box is a nightmare regarding delivery/deploy time. vMX will be … Read more

SDN and Python in Coursera coming soon

Time to learn different things, this time i will learn SDN concepts and re-learn how to programming but in Python… Yes, i did a lot of programming while i was taking my degree at University using Java,C,C++, PHP and other technologies. I heard really good things from my friends who took courses on Coursera, so … Read more

Notas Estudo BCVRE 170-010 parte 4

Chapter 9 Logging Logging Basics As Log messages são guardadas /var/log/messages, quando o ficheiro atinge 500kb renomeia-o para messages.0 e abre um novo ficheiro. O vRouter mantém os logs separados para bootup messages, PPP connection setup, IPsec connection setup, e outras features vyatta@training:~$ show log | match ERROR | more May 16 13:30:50 training pluto[5686]: … Read more

Notas Estudo BCVRE 170-010 parte 3

Chapter 7 NAT 3 tipos de NAT: Source NAT Destination NAT Bidirectional NAT – combina a source e destination NAT para translation em ambas as direções NAT Rulebases O NAT usa rulebases diferentes para cada tipo de NAT, as rulebases são ordenadas numericamente e quando e feito um match o vRouter termina a execução da … Read more

Notas Estudo BCVRE 170-010 parte 2

Chapter 4 DHCP and DNS vyatta@R1:~$ set interfaces ethernet eth1 address dhcp vyatta@R1:~$ show dhcp client leases interface  : eth1 ip address :    [Active] subnet mask: domain name: localdomain        [overridden by domain-name set using CLI] router     : name server: dhcp server: lease time : 1800 last update: Tue Jul 15 … Read more

Notas Estudo BCVRE 170-010 parte 1

Chapter 1 Brocade Vyatta vRouter System Operations Para fazer uncommit a todas as configurações da config em buffer usar o comnando discard vyatta@R1# discard Changes have been discarded vyatta@R1:~$ show system login users Username   Type     Tty   From         Last login operator   vyatta   hvc0               Mon Jun 17 18:34:25 2013 vyatta     vyatta   pts/0 Wed Jun 19 20:47:39 … Read more

Voucher gratuito Brocade Certified vRouter Engineer (BCVRE) 170-010 Exam

Como Brocade Certified vRouter Engineer deve ser capaz de demonstrar conhecimento em ser capaz de implementar, instalar, configurar e solucionar problemas de soluções Brocade Vyatta. Este exame é baseado em Vyatta vRouter, a Brocade disponibiliza para download um trial de 60 dias do Vyatta vRouter 5400. Algumas das funcionalidades do vRouter 5400: Advanced IPv4 and IPv6 Unicast … Read more

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