32 thoughts on “Uninstall Check Point Endpoint Security Agent”

  1. Thanks! I accidentally installed this instead of the VPN client, kind of ridiculous to have an uninstall password when you never set one. Nonetheless, much appreciated.

  2. Hi Team by entering the password manually the uninstall works however if using a command line the password will not work any ideas ?

    I’ve tried the following two lines:

    msiexec.exe /x {F13003F0-373D-453B-9CD8-9119C277AB90} UNINST_PASSWORD=secret /qn
    msiexec.exe /x {F13003F0-373D-453B-9CD8-9119C277AB90} INSTALLPASSWORD=secret /qn

    Neither will work !!

    Thanks :)


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Google no longer supports Google Images API and this plugin can't work.

You can try to use other plugins with the same feature:
WP Picasa Box - http://codecanyon.net/item/wp-picasa-box/16099962
WP Pixabay Search And Insert - http://wpclever.net/downloads/wordpress-pixabay-search-and-insert